Case Study: Akadi PDX
How we got to a beautiful heartwarming story of how Chef Fatou Quattara started her restaurant
This story successfully brings the audience to the heart of Akadi PDX, it's owner Fatou. The popular West African restaurant has had a lot of media coverage, but no one told the story like we did with emotion and authenticity. Our group, who attended the Muse World Changing Storytelling Workshop, used the muse system step-by-step process to determine the best character or heart for the story, developed keywords that kept us focused on our purpose and what was most important about the story and developed clear plot points, a hook and a jab. We told a story that connects Fatou with her patrons, which was her ultimate goal
in opening Akadi PDX.
Here are the documents we used to develop our story on Fatou and her wonderful restaurant, Akadi PDX.
A lot of initial research went in to telling the story. We searched for information on Google and YouTube. Then we did a pre interview with Fatou and talked to her family and friends before deciding that she was indeed the heart of our story.
We outlined what made her our heart, her desire, motivation and uniqueness.
Then we determined our story keywords. These words were our bible, so to speak.
If something didn't match our keywords, it was edited from our story.
An important part of the process was determining the hook, which is the best way to draw in someone to watch the story. As part of the preproduction, we came up with 6 plot points and a call-to-action.
The team put together questions and determined what footage we needed to support the story.
All of this was done before we rolled the camera. This Muse Storytelling process has proved successful over and over again and one that I use with all of my storytelling.